Article 63.1 of the Public Contracts Act states that: ‘Contracting bodies shall make their contracting profile available exclusively on the Internet, as an element that brings together the information and documents relating to their contractual activity in order to ensure transparency and public access to them’.
Thus, for the first time in the EUC Costa Esuri, this legal mandate is complied with and the contracting profile of this Entity is published, which will be expanded and updated as it proceeds with the tenders and contracts necessary for the development of its own activity.
A link to the Junta de Andalucía website with legislation on public procurement is included:
Regulación de la contratación pública - Junta de Andalucía (
There are no current calls for proposals.
They are published in section 3.2 of the EUC transparency portal:
Transparency Portal (
It is published in section 3.1 of the EUC transparency portal:
Transparency Portal (
In process, and pending approval by the EUC Governing Board.